Objective To evaluate pain relief, using Lamaze childbirth Law respiratory care intervention can reduce the rate of postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal asphyxia, cesarean section rate. 目的探讨运用拉玛泽呼吸减痛分娩法实施护理干预可降低产后出血率、新生儿窒息率、剖宫产率。
Influence of community nursing intervention on recurrence rate of schizophrenia patients 社区护理干预对精神分裂症病人复发率的影响
Methods: According to the evaluations on prescriptions before and after intervention, the rate of qualified ones and that of unqualified were statistically classified and analyzed. 方法:根据干预前与干预后的处方点评情况,对处方合格率、不合格处方各种类型统计、分析。
In 1980, the Federal Reserve's intervention rate reached 19 – 20 per cent. Today, it is nearly zero. 在1980年,美联储的干预利率为19%至20%;如今这一利率已接近于零。
The extraordinary divergences seen as recently as last December between three-month interbank lending rates and the Bank's intervention rate have also disappeared. 就在去年12月,三月期银行同业拆借利率与央行干预利率之间依然存在着重大差异,但现在,这一差异也已消失。
Objective To explore the effect of post-discharge nursing intervention on smoking-quitting rate of patients. 目的探讨出院后护理干预对患者戒烟率的影响。
Results After 3-year of community nursing intervention, rate of health education achieving, control rate of hypertension and alteration of bad dieting habit in the nursing intervention group were obviously higher than the conventional treatment group. 结果护理干预组患者干预3年后,健康教育达标率、高血压控制率和不良饮食习惯改变率明显高于常规治疗组;
Conclusion Nursing intervention can increase the rate of treatment compliance of patients and thus improve therapeutic outcomes. 结论护理干预可以提高患者遵医率和治疗效果。
[ Conclusions] The hemostasia treatment under the endoscope is effectual and safe to the peptic ulcer, which can rise the therapeutic efficacy in department of internal medicine and decrease the surgical intervention rate. 结论内镜下止血治疗对消化性溃疡并出血疗效肯定,安全,提高了内科治疗效果,减少了外科手术率。
The main problem of the intervention to foreign exchange market is whether charge against intervention and non-charge against intervention can affect exchange rate. 外汇市场干预的中心问题,就是冲销干预和非冲销干预是否影响汇率以及如何影响汇率的问题。
69. 4% of the children underwent surgical intervention. The resection rate was 69. 8%. 69.4%恶性肿瘤接受手术治疗,完全切除率为69.8%。
Central Bank Intervention in RMB Exchange Rate Formation and Asymmetry 人民币汇率形成中的央行干预与非对称性
Results: The intervention group of the rate of infection in uterus, supercilious infection and immunity losted were significantly less than control group ( P < 0.01). 结果:干预组的新生儿宫内感染率、慢性感染率和免疫失败率均显著低于对照组(P<0.01);
Objective To investigate the effects of comprehensive intervention on population death rate. 目的研究心脑血管病危险因素综合性社区干预对社区人群死亡率的影响。
Surgical intervention rate, mortality rate and occurrence rate of acute necrosis pancreatitis ( ANP) were investigated in 163 cases with AEP. 按下列指标评估:腹痛消失时间、血淀粉酶复常时间、转为急性重症胰腺炎(ANP)发生率、手术率、病死率。
After three years comprehensive intervention, the treatment rate of the statin got to 22.32% from 14.48%; 经过3年的综合干预,他汀类药物的服用率由14.48%上升到22.32%;
Result: Compliance and recovery of chest X-ray for focus are better in experimental group ( P < 0.01). Conclusion Nursing intervention can increase the rate of treatment compliance of patients and thus improve therapeutic outcomes. 结果:实验组的遵医率及治愈好转率明显高于对照组(P<001)。结论护理干预可以提高患者遵医率和治疗效果。
Through the complete information game models, we can draw that any policies about intervention of exchange rate and exchange rate policies will produce spillover effect for other countries in the region. 通过两个完全信息下的博弈模型分析,可以得出区域内国家之间的任何干预汇率的政策和措施都会对相关国家产生溢出效应。
Because foreign exchange market is ineffective as well as the important status of exchange rate in the international economy, the universal viewpoint at present is that countries carry on the intervention to the exchange rate are reasonable and essential. 由于外汇市场的无效性以及汇率在国际经济中地位的重要性,目前普遍的观点认为各国对汇率进行干预是合理的和必要的。
Object movement before and after the intervention, intervention of heart rate, breathing, statistically significant differences. 运动干预前后,干预对象的心率、呼吸差存在统计学意义上的显著性差异。
Section of the sample data results are displayed in the dollar peg and pegged to a basket of currencies this two exchange rate regime, sterilized intervention can influence exchange rate through the portfolio channel of exchange rate. 样本数据的分段结果显示在盯住美元和盯住一篮子货币的两种汇率制度下,冲销干预是能够通过资产组合渠道影响汇率的。
Staffs were with low cognitive rate on "Occupational Disease Prevention Law" and related knowledge; after intervention the rate has been markedly improved. 3. 员工对《职业病防治法》等相关知识认知率低,WHP干预后认知率显著提高。
The intervention of the exchange rate is in essence a kind of government intervention through involving in the foreign exchange market, which should be carried out when market failure occurs. 汇率的干预实质上是一种政府通过介入外汇市场对汇率波动进行的干预,这种干预应该是在汇率波动发生市场失灵的前提下进行的。
Among female sex workers, the intervention coverage rate is still very low, the frequency and depth of promotion and intervention is not enough. 针对暗娼人群的干预覆盖率还是很低,宣传干预的频度和深度还不够。